A downloadable asset pack

This template contains the basic mechanics of a 2D platformer with movement, tilemaps, parallax, and damage objects. One sample maps is included to demonstrate the features and comments are included throughout each script to explain the purpose of different sections and functions.

Suggestions to add to the template yourself:

  • Expand on the Spritesheet
    • A sample spritesheet is included that you are free to use or add to. You can use the basic player sprites to help make the walk cycle of your own.
  • Moving Enemies
    • Using the sample damage objects, enemies can be made that can damage the player.
  • Additional or Procedural Levels
    • This version only comes with one sample level to mess around with. You can add to it, make more levels, or make an algorithm to generate them for you.

Recording of the Clemson Game Dev Club Meeting where we began making this template:

Feel free to comment with any questions or suggestions to improve the template!

Published 1 day ago
Tags2D, Godot, Project template


2d-platformer-template (9-25-2024).zip 2.5 MB

Install instructions

To use the template, extract the files as a folder, go to "import" when you open up Godot, navigate to the folder and find the project.godot file, and click the file. This should import the template as a project for you to edit.

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